Two Factors That Determine The Snagging Survey Cost

While buying a new property is an exciting decision, the stress and arduous process that comes along is undeniable. Once the builder handover the keys of your new home, there is another notorious process of identifying the defects, issues, and faults. This process is called snagging. Though finding faults in your home might sound strange, it is a must if you are buying a new property. Several issues and faults go unnoticed by the human eye. Only experts who have experience can identify these faults. However, what sets most people worrying is the snagging survey cost. You might find it a costly investment, but, it is worth it as it can help you save a lot of money in the years to come.

Several factors determine the cost of home snagging in the United Kingdom. Listed below are some of the main reasons that affect the overall cost of snagging in the UK.

Specialized Inspection vs. General Inspection
If you are buying a home for the first time then you should hire the snagging company, not for general inspection but a specialized inspection. Yes, you read that correctly. Snagging companies perform specialized inspections so that you can get the best results for your new property. You can choose from a package the one that best suits your requirements or ask the company to customize one for you. In other words, you can perform additional inspections like:
•    Asbestos, mold and radon inspections
•    Roof inspections
•    Chimney inspections
•    Bacteria count and well inspections
•    Dry-rot and pest inspections
•    Septic or sewer inspections

Though you might find this whole idea exciting, it is always good to ask the company about the snaggers who will be conducting the survey. Do not make decisions in a haste. If a snagging surveyor is wearing many hats, chances are that they might not be trained and qualified. You should ask the company about the specific qualifications and experience of the ‘package’ inspections. Depending on the type of inspection you need, the company should assign the snagging inspector.

Experience of the Snagging Inspector
If the cost of a home snagging is more for an experienced and skilled snagger, it worth an investment. Years of experience make such surveyors valuable. It is all about the difference between hiring a professional experienced home surveyor and a layman who just call themselves a home snagging inspector. Just think about the level of competence and expertise that an experienced snagging inspector would have. Moreover, experienced and professional snagging surveyors are the member of a trade association that speaks volumes about their expertise.

Along with the above-mentioned factors, several other factors like cost per square foot play an important role in determining the snagging survey cost for your new-build home. To get the best results for your home snagging, make sure you do proper research before hiring a snagging company. The money you will spend on snagging now would reap benefits in the long run.


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